Sherwood Troops 116 and 224 will be doing Christmas recycling Dec 28 - Dec 29, 2024
and Jan 4 - Jan 5, 2025. Operating hours for all days will be from Noon - 4:00 pm.
Click below to pre-order a pickup of your Christmas Tree for the Sherwood Boy Scouts to recycle. Schedule your pickup, put your tree outside of your address before noon on the day you select, and we'll pick it up!
You may also leave your tree outside your house on pick-up days with your donation securely attached to the tree, and the Scouts will pick it up during pick up hours. We'll leave no tree behind!!
Alternatively, you may bring your tree to us during the hours of 12 & 4 on the dates of operation listed above. The Scouts will be in the Kohl's parking lot, and will be happy to unload and recycle your tree.
Pre-order the pickup of your Christmas tree to be recycled by Sherwood Boy Scouts.
Have an (non-recyclable) artifical or live tree this year, but still want to support the Sherwood Boy Scouts? Great! We would very much appreciate your donation!
Questions? e-mail us at or leave a voice mail for us at 503-610-3580.